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Romer Services Ltd Unlocking the Power in Data

Cover image of Romer Services Ltd, Financial services venture on VC4A

Since the establishment of the Kenya Data Protection Act (2019), compliance for businesses has become paramount. Despite this, many firms are experiencing challenges in implementing, monitoring, and tracking their data protection compliance status which is essential.

Financial Services businesses that Track their compliance status in real-time across the culture, processes and systems will improve service delivery and customer experience, enabling growth in market share, increased profits and thus higher ROI thanks to understanding and making use of their data assets to innovate and satisfy their customer needs with agility.

Over the past 2 years, we have been building a data safe financial services sector where we have empowered businesses to increase revenue streams through innovating new products that satisfied their customers’ needs whilst saving time and costs associated with providing assurance on their data processing activities

SectorsFinancial services, Healthcare providers and services, Telecom
LocationNairobi City, Kenya
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