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ROEG Dynamic Uso imagenes satelitales para riesgo, resiliencia y Net Zero Carbono .

The impacts of climate change are being felt around the globe on the frontline communities. Due to their remote geographies they are particularly exposed to rising sea levels and natural disasters, and often lack the final resources and international support needed to tackle some of the damaging effects of climate change. AxSat is an innovative solution that uses satellite technology (satellite remote sensing) to help build resilience. On the other hand additional to the use of satellite imagery, we use blockchain in the logistic process of the risk management and resilience programs enabling a transparent, secure, and timely data exchange and automation via smart contracts. In this way we get information to offer a solution and services to support the transitions to net zero across multiple sectors.

Sectores Inteligencia artificial, Blockchain, Servicios medioambientales
Ubicación Ciudad de México, México
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