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RK Planet Greener LTD Things Happen After a Brighter future

Cover image of RK Planet Greener LTD, Business services venture on VC4A

RK Planet Greener Ltd is an existing Business Company established back in 2011lb,l/bv and registered officially in accordance with the Tanzania laws governing local companies’ registration. It is operating legally under business trading license, income tax registration.

The company is registered to deal with rural electrification with solar energy in the districts of Sengerema, Geita, Chato, Muleba, Ngara,Karagwe and Biharamulo in Mwanza and Kagera region in Tanzania.

Trough experiences and mini survey conducted by the company, it was learnt that most of the people at rural areas are using fossil fuel, car charging batteries and small size generator for lighting, powering radio, TV and charging mobiles phones. The energy sources used has found with negative impact towards the earth environment, it increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Apart from negative effect( the increase in carbon dioxide ) caused by the existing sources of energy; the community members in rural

SectorsBusiness services, Clean technology and energy, Pharmaceuticals
LocationMwanza, Tanzania
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