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ResQ247 We've got your back covered 24/7

Cover image of ResQ247, Healthcare providers and services venture on VC4A

In the 21st century, many happenings are accelerated by virtue of information processing. A lot happens in a very short time; both evil and good can be executed very rapidly. However, man’s needs over time remain, unchangeably, the desire to attain happiness; this happiness is partially determined by assurance of security, safety, health and sense of belonging and identity. These factors are not guaranteed but technologies offer a chance for their enhancement.

• To deploy a computerized system that enables data collection on safety, security, health in emergency
• To avail distress call ubiquitously to everyone whose health, safety, security is threatened
• To avail a quick response system to responders for individuals in emergency distress related to fire, health, security and GBV

An integrated software incorporating Artificial Intelligence, in modular form, has been built to cater for the needs of both victims of, and responders emergencies

SectorsHealthcare providers and services, Medical equipment and supplies, Pharmaceuticals
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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