RENO EMCORE APEX RESOURCES LIMITED Trading ideas for impact....making a contribution to the society

Cover image of RENO EMCORE APEX RESOURCES LIMITED, Agribusiness venture on VC4A



The high cost of quality cooking oil is not affordable to a great portion of the population – on the other hand, the low-quality oil is unhealthy, has odor and foams due to soap content in it. At RENO we believe everyone deserves the best quality in relation to basic product and services regardless of their financial status. We care enough to produce high-quality soybean oil approved by regulatory bodies at affordable rate and the provision of high-quality unadulterated protein fiber source for animal farmers maximum yield.
We are targeting the middle and low-income earners in Nigeria, most especially within the middle belt of Nigeria. According to Wikipedia 2006 population census with relevant projection to 2017 is 13,703,751 individuals. Considering 79% percent are adults, youths and teens our present target market is equal to 10,825,837 individuals and projected to grow 11% yearly as we explore other regions of Nigeria.
We have a team that is built on core values of responsibilit

Sectors Agribusiness, Animal farming, Business services, Renewable energy
Location Jos, Nigeria
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