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RAY Cosmetics Production of cosmetics from agro-waste fish skin and scale.

Cover image of RAY Cosmetics, Fish farming venture on VC4A

RAY cosmetics aims in establishing a self-sustaining friendly environment in Ethiopia. One of the abundant resource we have as a country is our water resource which is a major source of fish in the country’s most beautiful cities like Bahirdar, Hawassa, Arbaminch and such. Nevertheless, the fishes have been a source of wastage, the fish skin, scale and bones have been causing pollution to the environment besides disrupting the nature of these beautiful cities. RAY cosmetics work in reusing this fish skin and scale as a raw material with other additives to produce skin and hair care products. The protein extracted in further processes from the fish waste gives moisturizing, anti-aging and detoxifying characteristics to our products. Whereas, it helps the cosmetics business in the country that has been lying in imported goods which is leading to hard currency moreover is unaffordable to the middle and lower class common customers.

SectorsFish farming, Manufacturing, Packaging
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