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Ralosa Eben Sourcing and exportation of agro products & minerals

Cover image of Ralosa Eben, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Ralosa Eben is an incorporated company registered and licenced do business in Nigeria since October 2019. We obtained approval from the Nigerian Export Promotion Council to commence exportation business in Nigeria in 2019. We are into the sourcing and exportation of diverse agricultural produce and minerals from Nigeria to different parts of the world. We have a well – experienced team of professionals who are trained in sourcing agro products such as cashew nuts, sesame seeds, peanuts e.t.c, locally as well as minerals such as iron ore and copper cathode. Owing to the robust market research conducted by our marketing team, we have a provable and verifiable demand for the different agricultural products and minerals we are capable of exporting from Nigeria to buyers located abroad at very competitive prices. Thus, we are certain of the sustainability of our businesses model in the long run due to the fact that Nigeria is a major producer of the products we are capable of exporting.

Sectors Agribusiness, Import and export
Location Nigeria
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