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Programme 4 Capacity Development in Africa (P4Cda) Promoting Data Driven, Value Chain Anchored, Rural Agriculture

Cover image of Programme 4 Capacity Development in Africa (P4Cda), Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Rural agriculture lacks knowledge, business infrastructure, and linkages. The model of doing agribusiness is restricted to good agricultural practices without regard to sustainability. We integrate a people, planet, and prosperity perspective through the Health, Experiential Education, Agriculture, and Nutrition for Data Sourcing (HEEANDS) paradigm. We support input and output aggregation, co-investment in technologies, and extension support to create a common manufacturing paradigm for community agribusinesses using our model of FarmHubs and FoodFarmacies. We ensure that the community invests from the increased earnings that our engagement generates, but we need investment resources to optimize the FarmHubs and FoodFarmacies anchored value chain engagement…

SectorsAgribusiness, Animal farming, Crop farming
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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