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Preyo Tz Innovating and creating a better world through recycling

Cover image of Preyo Tz, Clean technology and energy venture on VC4A

Preyo Tz

Preyo Tz

PREYO TZ is a community based organization dealing with plastic waste management, collecting them and recycling into building materials (paving blocks) and automobile spare parts (rubber bushings).
We are a team of experienced personnel, with innovative visions. We manufacture our own safe and automatic plastic recycling machineries, from scratch.
We believe in equality and work under moral ethics with open minded mindsets into improving our environments for the greener future ahead.
Our products is a well studied and chosen for sustainability, just think, in centuries to come, we will still build homes and even in any energy source, our vehicles will still use rubber bushings, and hence recycling plastic which last for centuries before degrading is the first choice along the many we have ahead.

Sectors Clean technology and energy, Environmental services, Waste management and recycling
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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