Peters Library A virtual library that delivers physical books to school once a week

Cover image of Peters Library, EdTech venture on VC4A

What is Peters Library?

Peters Library is a library service that delivers children books, (ages 6-19) to your doorstep every Friday for a monthly subscription

What are the available subscription packages and respective charges?

The basic package is the A Book A week which is 999 shillings per month. The other packages are 2 Books -1699, 3 Books – 1999, 4 Books – 2399. These are books per week and the charges are monthly. There is a 1000/- REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT upon sign up.

How does the library work?

Each subscriber upon registration is given a username and password to the borrowing system available at The patrons then login and with their children select books by adding books to the reading queues shown in this tutorial Peters Library – How to Borrow – YouTube.

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SectoresEdTech, Servicios educativos, Logística
UbicaciónNairobi, Kenia
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