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Pele-Entreprises.sarl TOGETHER for agriculture sustainatable



Ivory Coast is a country with high agricultural potential whose forest cover is impacted by the agricultural economy. Charcoal is a vital and indispensable element in the daily life of households with low social incomes, the maintenance of certain gastronomic activities, and also income-generating activities, according to the FAO, the annual consumption of charcoal in Abidjan is estimated at 300,000 tons. i.e. 90 billion CFA francs. According to the IECA (Circular Economy Institute of Abidjan) the Ivory Coast registers 4 million tons of waste per year, including 2 million in the Autonomous District of Abidjan. This quantity of waste spread on the arteries of the Autonomous Districts of Abidjan constitutes a panacea in the resolution of the production of biofuel, which can lead to the sanitation of the city of Abidjan, but also the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the socio-professional integration of the youth.

Sectores Biomasa, Energía renovable
Ubicación Grand-Bassam, Costa De Marfil
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