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Paws and Pixels Photography Safari Lodge Into the Wild, through the Lens.

Cover image of Paws and Pixels Photography Safari Lodge, Fotografía venture on VC4A

Escape into the heart of South Luangwa National Park with Paws & Pixels, an intimate lodge catering to photographers enthusiasts seeking a luxury experience in the Zambian bush. Our solar-powered tented accommodation affords sweeping views of unspoiled wilderness from private decks. Customized game drives provide unmatched sightings of diverse wildlife, while our knowledgeable guides offer unmatched instruction for capturing iconic moments on camera. State-of-the-art facilities include editing suites, equipment rentals, hides near watering holes, and a classroom for small-group workshops. By partnering with local schools and conservation efforts, we promote sustainability in the community and environment alike. At Paws & Pixels, into the wild and through the lens, you’ll develop not only award-winning photographs, but memories to last a lifetime.

Sectores Fotografía, Turismo, Producción de vídeo
Ubicación Zambia
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