1.Rusia Orikiriza (F) 37-Founder and Managing Director is responsible for the overall steering of the company and the day to day administration and providing corporate leadership to the business.She has over 15 years of experience
2. Davis Bariho Bagamuhunda(M) 41-Director Engineering &Operations-He holds a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering, a M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering, and a postgraduate diploma in Sustainability and Responsible Business Leadership.
3.Sliver Makumbi (M) 42- Finance Manager-Holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting Finance is a Certified Public Accountant from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPA-U). He will oversee financial management 8 years in accounting and finance.
4.Annet Twebaze(F)38-Holds a master’s degree in business Administration from the Uganda Christian University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Makerere University with over 5 years of experience in human capital development and management.