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Orbit Health Digital healthcare provider with innovative and customizable products

Orbit Health, a leading digital health firm based out of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has been at the forefront of transforming healthcare delivery and thereby building a resilient healthcare ecosystem in Africa. It is working to tackle the major health challenges of society with digital innovation and technology adoption We work in partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, MasterCard, USAID, etc. Our main product EMR+ renders solutions like veracious information management, Efficient Customer service and drug management system, Digital medical transactions and saving, etc. Orbit Health has other products in the pipeline such as O-wallet, a health financing and payment management platform, and O-Health, a patient engagement platform that allows for remote audio and video consultations which the firm will pilot in partnership with JICA over the next 6-9 months. It has also been leveraging its diverse partnerships to consult governmental and non-governmental entities with O-Wallet.

SectorsHealthcare, Healthcare providers and services, Software as a Service
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