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O’Leaf Africa ...that healthy taste of Africa

Cover image of O'Leaf Africa, Alimentos y bebidas venture on VC4A

We collect and transform regular farm produce into health-functional foods and beverage formulas using earth-friendly manufacturing & storage technologies that are sustainable without chemical interferences.

To ensure that consumers get a full nutritional health value in today’s food and beverage market, O’Leaf Africa went further to develop a powerful App-based nutrition & dietary support platform (NutriServ) with consumers can remotely manage their body nutritional and dietary profile in real time, and get recommended foods and beverages solutions that best fills their internal body needs.

O’Leaf Africa is aiming to lead
the rally against food insecurity and food waste, in the agricultural sector, which has not been harnessed enough to curb the rising cases of nutritional and dietary diseases fighting the lives of a fifth of Africa’s population today.

Sectores Alimentos y bebidas, Producción alimentaria
Ubicación Nigeria
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