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Okboy We automate home services and payments with an incredible experience

Cover image of Okboy, Business services venture on VC4A

One of the biggest pains of having a home is making sure you have everything in order, that you are not late with any payment, and that everything just works. When you need help, there is an oversupply of suppliers, and most of the time you end up hiring the wrong one and paying more. Plus, you have plenty due dates to track and no place to have your home budget.
We are a marketplace that helps you automate all your home services and payments with an incredible experience in one place.
We have more than 2,500 active customers, and more than 30 suppliers (SMBs and corporates) and we have grown 30% on average a month since we launched on June 21.
We have an amazing team, that understands the problem and is passionate to solve it.
We invoice $20K to $35K a month. We make money by charging $1 USD per service to the end customer, a 10% take rate to the supplier and we are building superpowers for them to monetize in the future.
We are building the future of home automation for Lat

Sectors Business services, Real estate, Software as a Service
Location Ciudad de México, Mexico
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