Nutropia Poultry & Feed To restore dignity of mankind by ending hunger & malnutrition.

There is a prevalent problem of malnutrition and undernutrition in Ethiopia. One of the reasons is the unavailability of cheap animal protein (chicken meat). Currently, only 12% of our protein intake comes from animals. Our yearly average of  chicken meat consumption is 0.5 kgs as compared to 2.3kgs in the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. NUTROPIA IS ENTERING THE MARKET WITH THE AIM OF CLOSING THIS GAP. We aim to “restore dignity of mankind by ending hunger and malnutrition”. In the process, we have the goal to become one of the top ten poultry and meat companies in Africa and the Middle East within ten years (TEN IN TEN).

SectorsAgribusiness, Food and beverage, Import and export
LocationAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
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