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Netfamous Investment Limited (Netfil) Netfil specializes in modern storage and handling of onion.

Cover image of Netfamous Investment Limited (Netfil), Crop farming venture on VC4A

Netfil builds modern onion storage facility where farmers store harvested onion. We also buy from the farmers, store and sell during the scarcity.
Listed by Food and Agriculture Organization, Nigeria ranks sixth amongst the top ten producers of onion in the world. But Nigeria losses as much as 50% of its onion harvest due to postharvest losses.
So, our solution involves supporting small holder farmers on modern storage facility with embeded services at local and industrial level for increased productivity and optimum income. It also involves postharvest procurement from farmers for storage, postharvest handling and supply to local, institutionalized and regional markets towards reducing wastages and postharvest losses by at least 50%.

Sectors Crop farming
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