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Neopenda We innovate needs-based med tech for high-growth emerging markets

Neopenda is a medical device company creating needs-based health technology for high-growth emerging markets. We create end-to-end solutions that enable high quality patient care and nuanced data insights for stakeholders.
Traditional medical equipment isn’t designed for 85% of the world’s population, resulting in millions of deaths which can be avoided with more appropriate solutions.
NeoGuard – Neopenda’s first product – is a patented 4-in-1 vital signs monitor that continuously measures crucial vital signs and immediately alerts health workers of patients in distress.
NeoGuard has received international regulatory clearance (CE Mark) and is commercially available in Kenya and Uganda for adult, paediatric, and neonatal patients.

Sectores Equipos e insumos médicos
Ubicación Chicago, Estados Unidos
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