Nech-Cieh Empowering nurses - Professional development of nurses

Nurses are the largest profession of healthcare workers in Haiti. They are at the forefront of healthcare delivery and disease prevention. However, their skills and their competencies are undervalued and underutilized. Nurses are not recognized for their intellectual and professional capabilities, and most end up playing a subordinate role, with few nurses occupying leadership or management posts. By advancing their education, engaging them in leading and conducting research, and by mobilizing them as changemakers both within and beyond the clinic walls to transform the health system in Haiti, nurses will be leaders and take their place at the top of the healthcare system.
We created NECH-CIEH to respond to this need through a collaborative network of nurses across Haiti, Increasing the knowledge of data will add a plus in helping empower and mobilize NECH-CIEH and nurses across the organization to lead.

Sectors Healthcare providers and services
Location Haiti
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