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Nakhuba Young Farmers A women led entity enhancing the lives of women through bee keeping


Nakhuba Yound Farmers brings together the combined experiences and skills of its founders: Mrs. Mildred Ichingwa (expert in proposal writing, resource management and partnerships), Mrs. Udoto a grassroot woman, is a ‘get it done’ type of person. With passion for creating change in the lives of other grassroot women, Emiliana brings on board the bottom-up approach empowering grassroots women in transforming water and environmental burdens into economic opportunities. Mrs. Udoto is responsible in mobilizing the community and selling Nakhuba’s vision and mission to the community. Outside of work, Mrs. Udoto is a member of Climate Change Accelerator Movement and a business woman.
The team will bring diverse disciplines, experiences and a unique blend of skills from both the development and private sectors. They have a great passion in promotion, conservation and protection of African cultures through education, creativity, innovations and research starting from the grassroot level.