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Nakhuba Young Farmers A women led entity enhancing the lives of women through bee keeping

Cover image of Nakhuba Young Farmers, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Nakhuba Young Farmers a women led CBO changing lives of grassroot women through bee keeping. Started in 2008 witw 10 women with the passion to better their lives through apiculture. Apiculture as source of an alternative livelihood that has been an eye opening to the women within Matete Village and its environs. We have 35 bee hives which gives us a production of approximately 200 litres of honey which we sell locally. We also do value addition, after the extraction of honey, the bee wax we produce body lotion, soap and candles. The dead bees during harvesting time are fed to our poultry and will also produce wine after some fermentation. After three year mentorship by Bees Abroad, our women are able to train other women on bee keeping thus creating change in the society we live .

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