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Najashi East Africa Marketplace

Cover image of Najashi, Comercio electrónico venture on VC4A



Najashi was established in 2018 as a business dedicated for online store and delivery goods to provide a guaranteed same day both selling and delivery as Najashi service to commerce and industry.
najashi is online marketplace that help every small bussiness to grow fast and gain more customers as online consumers
Over the last 5 months, Najashi made deeply researches to estimate how our comunity will react this how they need like this service.
Our business has developed through our reputation for close, personalised working relationships with all our customers, ensuring we always satisfy their needs and expectations.
Najashi delivery: Consistent high quality standards 7 days a week, 24 hrs per day Hassle-free service delivery
Good communication with personalised support for each client

Sectores Comercio electrónico, Moda
Ubicación Mogadishu, Somalia
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