Imagine if you could make over 10x return on investment within just 6 months and keep making more money at no extra production cost for over 10 years from the same product?
Here is how;
Appreciation for films and online viewing experience has gained momentum in Africa, evident by the rising video on demand users that doubled between 2018 and 2020 and is expected to triple by 2026, but there is a huge gap in order to satisfy this demand from within.
A combination of a crowded market and exhaustion of existing stories has forced filmmakers from elsewhere to focus on Africa for its rich unexplored stories and the $5bn film market but have often misrepresented and diluted our stories. We believe we can tell our own stories much better.
Na Moni is a platform for authentic storytelling through films inspired by African (Local) stories. Our focus on relevance and relatability to the local market and ease of access to quality local films make us stand out.
Sectors | Creative, media and entertainment, Film production, Video production |
Location | Kampala, Uganda |
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