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My Dream Home Build houses, build hopes

My Dream Home (MDH) is an inclusive business that is addressing the chronic shelter shortage in Cambodia through the production of affordable, environmentally friendly, and easy-to-construct interlocking bricks. MDH has developed interlocking bricks similar to the concept behind the well-known LEGO® bricks. MDH’s bricks are made from local materials that are abundant across Cambodia. When interlocking bricks are used to construct a building, the project requires less cement and labour, and the time to complete the project is shortened. A home using MDH’s interlocking bricks can be built in three months or less. Most importantly, the total cost to construct a home via a “do-it-yourself” method using interlocking bricks is 20-40% less than when traditional bricks are used.

Sectores Construcción y fabricación, Fabricación
Ubicación Camboya
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