In Cambodia, the majority of population still lack access to quality healthcare. On the supply side, medical resources are geographically concentrated; and according to WHO, Cambodia has ratio of 0.71 hospital beds per 1000 population. On the demand side, Cambodia faces an population with growing age dependence rate that will require consistently surging medical care. Compounded by the limitations, the responsibility to take care of the sick or elderlies often disproportionately falls on women from those households. Recognizing the issue of inaccessibility of health care in Cambodia, MUCH seeks to address it since 2015 by providing mobile health services to the patients’ families. We help sick or elderly people to extend their quality life, bringing the smile and peace to his or her late chapter of life book. We provide medical treatment, consultation, monitoring, and life support to people in medical and health needs and also reduced the burden of busy schedule’s ladies of client Sectores Sanidad, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios Ubicación Phnom Penh, Camboya Etapa Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Mercados Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Modelo de cliente Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Contacto Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Medios sociales