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MUBAL Agro and General Enterprise Nigeria Healthy Farm Produce, Healthy you.

Cover image of MUBAL Agro and General Enterprise Nigeria, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Mubal Agro and General Enterprise was registered in Nigeria in November 2018. It is a Sokoto-based company that develops a highly nutritious powder food blend from malted sorghum, soya beans, groundnut, tiger nut, and date palm. This is a complete product: tiger nuts serve as a source of milk and the palm date powder serves as sugar. The blend is affordable and makes up between 50 to 70% of the World Health Organization’s
recommended nutrients for children between the ages of one and nine. The nutritional impact of our product is seen between 10-15 days of consumption.

SectorsAgribusiness, Food production
LocationSokoto, Nigeria
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