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MotionNG #MotionNG (mng) Multimedia

Cover image of MotionNG, Media production venture on VC4A

People, businesses, organisations, communities and government establishments all have memories they want to keep. People celebrate birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Businesses and organisations set up conferences, conventions and other important proceedings. Communities and governments execute projects and celebrate historical occasions. Such events needs to be recorded, stored and shared.

At MotionNG, we are redefining still and motion picture documentaries. We are developing a technology based platform that enables individuals, businesses, organisations, communities and even government establishments to record, store, access and share the picture and video records of various memorable occasions.

We remain committed to solving the critical problems of visual documentation, affordability, accessibility, storage, and acceptability in the multimedia industry, through our documentary in still and motion photography. We are #MotionNG (MNG).

SectorsMedia production, Photography, Video production
Location Garki, -
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