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Millennium Agro-Farming Investment Agribusiness

I am Osman frank Conteh,am an entrepreneur doing agribusiness,a community team building leader,the founder and director for millennium agro-farming investment, from sierra leone.
My innovation will improve the food system by doing massive mechanized farming that will increase the planting and production of our crops and vegetables for food security,create job for the youths that will minimize crime and conflicts and find direct access to market for farmers.through my research and networking skills,i was able find two national and one international market who are in need of our crops and vegetable as their raw materials.I started to build a team of 250 community youths to go and plant for this direct market in 2017,because of my vision to inspire people to do farming the number has increase to 1500 community youths and farmers,who are now increasing the planting and production whiles i will be coming to buy from them and sell to this direct market.

Sectors Agribusiness
Location Sierra Leone
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