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Millennia Techno Services Think Green, Save Blue

My business is in WASH engineering, focused on community sources for safe drinking water and sanitation.
My idea is in solid waste homestead management, comprising non biodegradable and biodegradable waste.
After struggle in my home on the above, I started managing it by separating them, compositing the biodegradable and homemade incinerating the non biodegradable.
I engage in research on the most effective way of dealing with solid waste through creation of value chain, from household level to municipal level.
On very light plastic, you allocate a higher value, middle level an intermediate value and high gauge/reusable a lower value.
If compared to the solid waste municipal collection budget and disposal challenges, I find that my idea solves three major challenges:
1) open field disposal of solid waste
2) environmental degradation by poorly managed landfills
3) community led solid waste management at consumer level
Further, minor benefits are that the idea confers seconda

SectorsEnvironmental services
Location Nyeri Province, Kenya
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