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Medipal Healthcare Revolutionizing Healthcare in Africa

Cover image of Medipal Healthcare, Healthcare venture on VC4A

Medipal Healthcare is a health-tech startup that helps hospitals and health care centers across tertiary institutions digitalize and automate their processes while helping patients get access to medical services in a few clicks. Medipal Healthcare solves the insecure paper records system, unified patient records across hospitals, increased operational cost, and access to medical professionals during emergencies.
Our system fully automates Hospital processes in all departments ranging from the Patient records department, Outpatient Department (OPD), Reception, Accounting department, Consulting room, Theatres, Pharmacy, laboratory, blood bank, stock, inventory, In-patient department, admin & Wards.
Medipal Healthcare has developed highly productive modules and features to help simplify processes and improve the quality of health service delivery for students in tertiary institutions across Africa

Sectors Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services
Location Lagos, Nigeria
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