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Medicated Aquafeed Research Centre SpA Med Aquafeed core optimization and productivity for the industry

Cover image of Medicated Aquafeed Research Centre SpA, Biotechnology and medical research venture on VC4A corresponds to a startup looking at the first stage, to finance via grants and/or fresh capital, to develop a “proof of concept” regarding an “optimization of the coating process for salmonids aquafeed”, i.e., opening the process in two: a “first one-vaccum coating-” (to input the antibiotics); and a “second Top Coating” (to apply highly palatability enhancers formulation). The objective of this, is to capsulate the bad flavour of the medicaments and increase the palatability, thus postulating a reduction in the consumption of antibiotics in the salmonid industry. This proof of concept was thought together with Universidad de Chile and Salmones Antártica (japanese producer of aquafeed in Chile) in 2021 to Corfo grants, and was not admissible, thus this effort constitutes the 2022 iteration of the same project.
If the concept if prooven, comple the pilot line we have, further stages include a full scale medicated pilot plant to locate in the south of Chile in X region

SectorsBiotechnology and medical research
LocationRancagua, Chile
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