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Marene Organic Farms Organic Food for Healthier Lifestyle


Marene Organic Farms has its founders, Evans Mukanzi, and Juliet Wambui. Evans is an entrepreneur and has attended classes in Agribusiness for ‘Animal and Crop Production and Value Addition. Juliet is a master’s degree holder in communications and helps in the online marketing of our products and company.
We have silent members; Julie Khabesta, Anne Wirimu, George Wambugu, and John Njogu. These individuals assist in production on their own farms. Julie is a Business Administration graduate and assists in accounting and inventory. Anne is a caterer and helps in events planning. George and John are IT graduates and assists in incorporating new technologies and implementing ideas to make farming easy and fun.
We have a team of two who assist in the running of the farm.
Our team is energetic, keen to detail, and eager to learn new methods that will make our production fun and easy.