Mad’Arom Madagascar aromatic and fragrances products

Cover image of Mad'Arom, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

We transform essential oil and cocoa from farmers. We exportat in small quantities because we do not have yet the sufficient quantity of raw materials for the production. Indeed, aromatic plants cultures require a high investment and present high risks. For example, in the region where we carry out our activity, last year, two cyclones devastated the aromatic cultures of the small producers collaborators to the company resulting in enormous losses. We are therefore supporting producers to invest in agricultural techniques adapted to climate change, and to diversify crops, toinvest in agroforestry, etc. to ensure a source of income for households throughout the year.

Currently we are vulgarizing cocoa trees cultivation to small producers in association with aromatic plants in agroforestry system. Madagascar fine cocoa is very appreciated by international market thanks to the specificity of Malagasy terroir factors which lead to a cocoa with exotic and delicious flavor.

LocationAntananarivo, Madagascar
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