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Limavest Empowering farmers to transition into more sustainable agriculture


Waweru Kuria has 0ver 10 years of experience entrepreneurship, having been accepted in accelerators like techstars and raising over $200,000 in his previous venture. He is in charge of sales and marketing
Shicco Waweru has been an ECD teacher, stay home mum and now joined Waweru in business to help in what she knows best, taking care of the team and the clients. She keeps the team honest to the mission.
Irvy Patricks a university graduate having studied Economics and statistics is in charge of operations.

Our team has worked together in previous projects with the big vision being changing the lives
of people living in Rural Africa. Among the projects ia iNuka Pap Ltd. We were able
to come up with a Financial Technology solution that helps people living in Rural Africa access
credit easier, faster and cheaper. With iNuka Pap, we were able to create strategic
partnerships with Savings and Credit Co-operative Organizations. Our vision is to see a financially stable Africa.