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Last Price Where Businesses Grow & Customers Save

Cover image of Last Price, Marketing y relaciones públicas venture on VC4A

Last price is a quality controlled E-commerce marketplace platform, promoting businesses that offer everyday essential services (e.g car wash, spa treatments, eating out, language classes, fun things to do…). Last price sells these services to consumers at a discounted price than what they would pay if they walked in the store normally.

This platform helps advertise and promote businesses in the shadows and helps customers save on their everyday essentials.

E-commerce is growing rapidly in Nigeria, and the unfortunate spread of the COVID-19 virus has even caused a nigger boom in the e-commerce industry . A survey taken by shows how number of visitors to online market place grew rapidly to about 250million visitors. However this is an untapped market for services. Last price found this gap and is dedicated to filling it in.

Sectores Marketing y relaciones públicas, Pagos en línea
Ubicación Abuja, Nigeria
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