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Kwanza Tukule Foods Limited Kwanza Tukule means, first, let's eat! in Swahili.

Cover image of Kwanza Tukule Foods Limited, Producción alimentaria venture on VC4A

We are cashless B2B business that’s using technology and efficient supply chain to ensure there is accessible and affordable nutritious food for the many in Kenya. We are specifically focused on the complete end to end street food vendors and kiosk supply chain as a critical food access point for the many. Food in low-income areas is expensive. This is because of the challenges of last mile distribution as well as fragmented distribution and numerous middle-men.
The two main bottlenecks for street food vendors/kiosks we address are; affordability and availability. Our model works like this: We source essential products directly from manufacturers and using last mile distribution distribute to street food vendors and kiosks in the slums/low -income area. We add a mark-up on the products we supply. We are able to deliver our products at an affordable rate because, we buy products in bulk, directly from manufacturers and subsequently sell to the vendors in smaller quantities.

Sectores Producción alimentaria
Ubicación Nairobi, Kenia
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