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KUAD System Animate a Saltar

Cover image of KUAD System, Business services venture on VC4A

KUAD System

KUAD System

KUAD System is a very easy to use platform to create your own website or online store, where you don’t need to have a design or code knowledge to be able to successfully take a smart website in which you can support your business and grow your business or enterprise. You can create your website in minutes to sell products and offer services with all the digital tools you need to be a professional. Connected with your own WhatsApp, a pre-defined Chatbot for your business, Recognized Payment Gateways in your marketing area and Shipping by logistics companies that guarantee you the delivery of your products, you can also count on Booking Reservations as an entire professional, E-commerce with all the advantages of a shop created by a professional agency and much more easily managed in the same place. And if you don’t have time, you can hire a KUAD Expert to design your web as your business.

SectorsBusiness services, Retail, Retail and wholesale
LocationSantiago, Chile
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