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korrok technologies nig. ltd nurture nature

Cover image of korrok technologies nig. ltd, Manufacturing venture on VC4A

i am chinang katherine a co-founder of korroks technologies nig. ltd
we are registered company
our business is a biotechnology pioneering in the value addition of locally grown food materials involving;
cereals, legumes and vegetables
our products includes;
super nutrient active life, super nutrient diabetic formula and super nutrient after six.
These are all specially formulated, quick to prepare pap, made of malted cereals, legumes and processed vegetables.
THE ACTIVE LIFE ™ is formulated to provide great energy, multivitamins and minerals for an active and healthy lifestyle.
THE DIABAL FORMULA ™ is specially formulated with selected cereals such as arrow root powder fonio and enriched with dates providing natural sweetening and minerals and processed vegetables. This product is essentially designed to support and subsidized the difficult and expensive diabetic patients in our society.
AFTER SIX; This is a specially formulated food product (quick pap) for children after s

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