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Kishoka YOUTH Organization Collects plastic waste so that it can be reused.

Cover image of Kishoka YOUTH Organization, Servicios medioambientales venture on VC4A

Community, schools, and tourists literally produce tons of plastic waste — like plastic bottles, plastic wrappers, and other non-degradable wrappers. The city of Mombasa generates 2,200 tons of waste per day and only 65% is collected. The rest ends up littering the schools, oceans and community and is an eyesore to all. Burning these items negatively impacts the environment and human health; it is a mess. Therefore, I developed a program that addresses this waste problem and teaches skills and values to the community at the same time. In addition, the program is a wonderful platform to showcase public imagination and creativity through crafting and construction using plastic waste bottles. I developed the program after winning #WorldLitterRun African championships in 2017 and 2020 and was trained on how to craft plastic waste into aesthetic materials – “turning trash to cash.”

Sectores Servicios medioambientales, Moda, Gestión y reciclado de residuos
Ubicación Mombasa, Kenia
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