Kiroo Games is one of the top African video game reference since 2016.
We released the 1st African-Fantasy PC game with 100K Dowloads in USA and a international recognition : Aurion Legacy of The Kori-Odan.
Now we want to seize the smartphone gaming market in Africa by building games for young adults focused on FUN, HUMOR, SELF GROWTH and Games to LET OFF STEAM.
Our games have been validated by the markets, and we are working to scale to 20M users accross Africa and the world and generate 700K USD Monthly revenue by 2025
Sectores | Industria creativa, multimedia y entretenimiento, Servicios educativos |
Ubicación | Yaounde, Camerún |
Etapa | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Mercados | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Modelo de cliente | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Ingresos | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
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Contacto | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
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