Ketal Angola LDA We believe and work to achieve.

Cover image of Ketal Angola LDA, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

A multi-lingual platform (Portuguese, English and French languages) that allows rural area (the producers) and urban area (the consumers) to communicate and exchange farm products and information in only one place for a monthly fee. The Kweso platform also provides, cloud farm management software that will help subscribed farmers and cooperative users to plan, monitor and analyze all activities on their farm easily. Crop’s activities are managed with a few clicks and with the help of our technical teams to guide and alert producers regarding what to produce when to produce, time of harvest and estimate cost of production.
We help our rural farmers grow their crop through professional follow up of their farm and distribute their products.

Sectors Agribusiness, Agritech, Crop farming
Location Luanda, Angola
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