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JustNow JustNow helps businesses reduce food waste and save money

JustNow is a system that helps both large and small food businesses save money while increasing revenue and client engagement. This is achieved by reducing fresh food waste through the use of a smart advertising mobile application.

JustNow is an Artificial Intelligence featured system that seamlessly integrates with your accounting and register software for less work and better management. We offer:

– A mobile consumer application – for promoting and claiming offers.

– An integrated merchandiser application – easy offer and stock management.

– The JustNow Dashboard – overview of the marketing channel and customers engagement, plus merchandiser app features.

– (under development) An Automatic Replenishment System with machine learning, that also relies on customers behaviour data

We solve 2 problems:

1.  Cost of food waste:

In South Africa, food retailers lose over €1.5bn each year with expired and damaged products, which represent

SectorsFood and beverage, Software as a Service
LocationBenoni, South Africa
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MarketsSign in to view details - in urban areas
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