TeamWe are a team with different talents (Software Enginers, Marketers, Lawyers, Accountants) with entrepreneural spirit and proven experience of average 5 years as entrepreneurs and in our respective fields. We are dedicate to make AI and chatbots a mean that helps organizations and individuals in solving their day to day problem. We have bachelor and postgraduates graduates with different certificate. Our culture guide us: Excellence – It keeps us up and calls to be and do better than yesterday. Teamwork – Divide up the work, Ask for help, Work out loud, Share a prototype, Build in the review process, Rally to a common goal, Celebrate together. Integrity – Honesty, Consistency and strong moral and ethical principles. Learning – We do not know everything if we believe we know everything we are ignorant. We keep learning and we know the only remedy to not knowing is to learn. We love learning. Dedication – We only give up when it is worthless or impossible.