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Jon Artificial Intelligence Stock Control and Invoicing for Shops and Businesses

Cover image of Jon Artificial Intelligence, Servicios contables venture on VC4A

Jon Artificial Intelligence

Jon Artificial Intelligence

Stock Management and Invoicing
There are 44 million SMEs in Africa, and the vast majority lack stock management solutions, relying on pen and notebooks to control the stock of their products and register their sales. Tech options cater to mid and high end businesses and are very complex for SMEs use cases. This brings a lot of inefficiencies tothese SMEs, and susceptibility to product loss and theft.
Jon AI brings Apps, a set of Stock Management and Invoicing solutions catering to SMEs and starting at as low as $5 USD month. Our software runs both online and offline, and helps businesses know exactly what their stock for each of their products and product categories is. The stock is then linked to the invoicing. Our solution offers easy stock management for any kind of small business, from Bottle stores, convenience stores, grocery shops, car shops, car parts shops, clothing stores and more.

Sectores Servicios contables, Comercio minorista
Ubicación Maputo, Mozambique
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