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JidiTrust #1 Business Growth Partner

Cover image of JidiTrust, Business services venture on VC4A

MSMEs form the backbone of the economy in SSA, accounting for 90% of all private businesses.
JidiTrust is an online and offline financial inclusion platform offering access to local language freemium financial literacy content and quizzes, daily bookkeeping services, goal-oriented savings, and flexible micro-credit.
In the last 14 months, we have built and tested our minimum viable product, a web-based application with bite-sized local language content and daily bookkeeping complemented with physical cash books for non-smartphone users. We have organized 30 workshops in collaboration with churches and reached an audience of over 2000 small business owners and also signed an MOU with BlueTown and USAID for the Women’s Digital Inclusion Project to facilitate physical workshops on business management for females MSMEs across Ghana. Our ask is that you join us on our journey to being the #1 business growth partner and fully digital microfinance bank for MSMEs across Africa.

SectorsBusiness services, Fintech
Location Kotokuraba Market, Ghana
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