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Jamanakasene Empower women, feed Africa

Cover image of Jamanakasene, Agribusiness venture on VC4A



Jamana Connect is a digital platform that facilitates access to quality agricultural inputs for small producers, mainly women, in Mali, through a progressive payment system. Since our launch in 2022, we have provided inputs to more than 1,300 customers, 95% of whom are women, and provided them with practical training on agricultural best practices. We offer seeds, fertilizers and equipment via a mobile platform, allowing farmers to pay in installments. By connecting producers to local and national markets, we strengthen their competitiveness, women’s empowerment and food security. Jamana Connect has strong potential to transform agriculture in Mali, overcoming financial and geographic barriers and contributing to poverty reduction in rural communities.

SectorsAgribusiness, Agritech, Farm machinery
Location Niamakoro Cité Unicef, -
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