Team Innpactia is composed of a working team from different fields and diverse environments as the key to integrate wider perspectives when developing new ideas: -CEO and Founder: Juan Lozano – social entrepreneur +16 years experience in international cooperation. Co-founded Azai Consultores +5715189644 /in/juancarloslozanoh/ Head of Investors and Funders projects: Gabriela Bonilla – Anthropologist +20 years of work in public policy, development and innovation and leading collective impact funds in LatAm +50689965976/in/gabriela-bonilla-506-costarica/ -Head of Product: Jorge reyes, Industrial Designer +7 years of experience leading start-ups and digital product development with agile methodologies +5715189644 /in/jorgereyesp/ Head of Growth: Catalina Garau, Social Communicator +10 years of experience in marketing & growth +5491140791350 /in/catalinagarau/ Head of User Success: Tatiana Leanza, Social communicator +10 years of experience in CSOs +5491153370204 /in/tatiana-lean