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Innpactia Connects strong, high-impact projects with funds and resources

Cover image of Innpactia, Servicios educativos venture on VC4A



Innpactia transforms the way finance is impacting the development of social initiatives and drops down the costs for doing good in the world. While progress on SDG is not moving fast enough, change-seekers face significant barriers in accessing resources to meet the goals on poverty, health, and equality.
The platform connects funders and donors who create co-financing vehicles with inclusive calls and capacity building; social entrepreneurs and organizations, from agricultural producers to female migrant entrepreneurs, who reach the funds and training to develop impactful programming; and experts and consultants who catalyze their knowledge delivering strengthening sessions, mitigating risks and multiplying the impact of the social ecosystem.
With fintech technology the platform has the potential of reducing by half transaction costs, while correcting systemic trust-building limitations through a kinder user experience of engagement for NGOs, entreprises, advisors and donors.

Sectores Servicios educativos, Fintech, Software como servicio
Ubicación Bogotá, Colombia
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