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Imfuyo Technologies Collect. analyse.predict


Allasandro da Gama(Founder & CEO) –
Educational background: B.Sc. in Mathematics & Statistics
Experience: Worked in the banking industry as a statistical analyst with a focus on data analytics, credit risk and machine learning.
Worked in the investment industry within agriculture and venture capital, looking at projects and opportunities to implement technology to improve operational efficiencies within African agriculture.

Mosa Sesele(Operations Manager) –
Educational Background: B.Com Hons. Financial Management
Experience: Worked in the investment banking industry managing sales projects, operational activities and market research.

Mpho Gololo: –
Educational Background: M.Sc. Computer Science & Electric Engineering
PhD Computer Science & Electrical Engineering (in progress)
Experience: Working as an Engineer at South Africa’s Energy producer, Also worked and as embedded engineer at CERN in switzerland, focusing on embedded